Nueva normativa de patinetes eléctricos-VMP en Torrejón de Ardoz: Obligaciones de los usuarios

The City Council of Torrejón de Ardoz is going to implement a new regulation for electric scooters-VMP that will come into effect on March 1st and outlines the obligations that users of these vehicles must comply with. The main goal of this ordinance is to protect the safety of scooter users and pedestrians. The mayor, Alejandro Navarro Prieto, and the Security Councilor, Alberto Cantalejo, have presented the innovative regulations in the city’s Plaza Mayor.

Torrejón de Ardoz, February 26, 2025. «We request responsibility in light of this new regulation, keeping sidewalks, pedestrian zones, squares, and parks for pedestrians, protecting the most vulnerable groups. We can all coexist in our city, but it is essential that we adhere to the rights and obligations that each of us has,» stated the mayor.

Alejandro Navarro added, «All residents of Torrejón must strive to preserve a quality public space for pedestrians and vehicles, promoting a more sustainable and safe mobility. By following these rules, we will enjoy a better Torrejón de Ardoz with greater coexistence and security, the city we want and can achieve together.»

Summary of the new regulations:

o Prohibited to ride without an approved helmet.
o Only one person can ride. No passengers allowed.
o Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is not allowed. Drivers are required to undergo detection tests.
o Prohibited to ride on sidewalks, pedestrian streets, squares, and parks. You can only ride on the road without exceeding 25 km/h and also on bike lanes.
o The vehicle must have front and rear lighting. During night driving, it must have lighting or reflective clothing.
o Prohibited to drive using a mobile phone or headphones.
o During the months of March and April 2025, the Local Police of Torrejón de Ardoz will warn drivers who do not comply with these rules, and starting from May 1st, they will be fined €200. For infringers under 18 years old, parents will be held responsible.


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